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I like to believe that my love of dogs started before I was born, as I am not from family of dog lovers.
However my first steps into the world of dogs was with large breeds as I started with training German shepherds and Giant schnauzer for others. As time went by I found I had the opportunity to have a dog of my own and my choice was the west highland white terrier, so a westie duly arrived in my life. The year was 1994, and together we found ourselves taking part in junior handling and agility.
Like most in the dog showing game, i caught the bug and decided to purchase a bitch, she was Ulrika Tresnovy Kvet, who though only an average show bitch, was a tremendous mother and brood bitch. She became the dam of several champions including Drum´n´bass Sunshine Celebration, Res. BIS WW '09 at the 2009 World dog show held in Bratislava, and one of my most favorite girls Multi/Int Ch. Coconut Sunshine Celebration.
It was during this period that my once in a lifetime dog arrived in my life; Multi/Int Ch Un Pour Moi du Moulin de Mac Gregor, known as Bastien to his friends. Not only is he one of the most titled westies throughout the whole of Europe but he is also one of the best studs too. He is the sire of three different world winners and is in the pedigree of many of the top westies in Europe and beyond.
I can never thank my dear friend Ruth O'Connor enough for her trust and support and letting me have Bastien. Because of cooperation with other well known westie breeders and dear friends and support of my husband the skye terrier breeder and respected judge I felt I could achieve anything, to breed the breed I love to the best of my ability.
Our westies and their offspring have become international champions as well as winning titles in the following countries; Slovakia, Czech republic, Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia, Luxembourg, Austria, Germany, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Switzerland, Ukraine, Poland, UK, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, USA, Canada, Australia, Belgium, Russia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Serbia, Romania, Thailand, Belorussia, Bulgaria, Malta.
My highlights though have to be:
Vice EUROPEAN WINNER 2007 Coconut Sunshine Celebration
(EDS 2007 Zagreb)
Vice EUROPEAN WINNER 2008 Coconut Sunshine Celebration
(EDS 2008 Budapest)
WORLD WINNER 2009 & BOB & BOG & Res. BIS Drum´n´bass Sunshine Celebration
(WDS 2009 Bratislava)
EUROPEAN WINNER 2010 Easy-Going du Moulin de Mac Gregor
(EDS 2010 Celje)
Vice WORLD WINNER 2012 Easy-Going du Moulin de Mac Gregor
(WDS 2012 Salzburg)
Best of Breed on French Championship 2010 Easy-Going du Moulin de Mac Gregor
(French championship 2010 Paris)
Veteran WORLD WINNER 2012 Calimero Sunshine Celebration
(WDS 2012 Salzburg)
JUNIOR WORLD WINNER 2013 & BOJ Xtreme Poker Face Sunshine Celebration
(WDS 2013 Budapest)
JUNIOR EUROPEAN WINNER 2013 & BOJ Xtreme Poker Face Sunshine Celebration
(EDS 2013 Geneve)
EUROPEAN WINNER 2014 & BOS Xtreme Poker Face Sunshine Celebration
(EDS 2014 Brno)
Vice EUROPEAN WINNER 2016 Xtreme Poker Face Sunshine Celebration
(EDS 2016 Brussels)
INTERRA JUNIOR WINNER 2013 Forever Young Sunshine Celebration
(Interra show 2013 Budapest)
Vice WORLD WINNER 2014 Forever Young Sunshine Celebration
(WDS 2014 Helsinki)
JUNIOR WORLD WINNER 2015 Yuki Sunshine Celebration
(WDS 2015 Milan)
EUROPEAN WINNER 2016 Stars Fall In Sunshine Celebration
(EDS 2016 Brussels)
JUNIOR EUROPEAN WINNER 2016 & BOJ Loud Like Love Sunshine Celebration
(EDS 2016 Brussels)
Best of Breed MONTGOMERY 2016 Lotrando Sunshine Celebration
Best of Breed WESTMINSTER 2016 Lotrando Sunshine Celebration
JUNIOR EUROPEAN WINNER 2017 Jolly Joker Sunshine Celebration
(EDS 2017 Kyjev)
Best of Breed & 2.BOG WESTMINSTER 2017 Lotrando Sunshine Celebration
UK CHAMPION Krystof Sunshine Celebration
As a handler I had the pleasure to win:
WORLD WINNER 2006 & BOB with Touch of Class du Moulin de Mac Gregor owned by Julien Millaseau
(WDS 2006 Poznan) &
JUNIOR WORLD WINNER 2010 with Forget Me Not du Moulin de Mac Gregor owned by Ruth O´Connor (WDS 2010 Paris)
Because of the tremendous achievements of the dogs the Sunshine Celebration kennels have been named TOP TERRIER kennel in Slovakia from the year 2010 to 2013 and from 2015 - 2018 had the TOP DOG in breed for 2002, 2004- 2007 and from 2009 - 2016.
But despite all the success we have had, Westies are first and foremost my love, i will never be without them around me and i will always aim to breed true to type happy healthy dogs. We will always strive to keep the character of the breed, the true westie type with that beautiful head that sets the breed apart from the others in the terrier group, and to breed healthy dogs so that future generations can enjoy this energetic, proud and loving terrier we all love.
It is with dedicated people like owners of our westies and friends that Sunshine Celebration westies are carried forward into the next chapter of the story.....
Read more about our skye terriers, kennel FLANAGAN of my husband: www.flanaganskyes.eu
JUDr. Martina Kanásová
Sunshine Celebration kennel